Frank Underboob

He was pretty funny in Orange is the New Black, albeit in a very dark kind of way.

I thought the grades came from the site members, not the reviewers?

I've got to say that the work of Declan McMannis would be far more appropriate than the clichéd folksy Irish bullshit music in this episode.

Wow. That's really sad for you.

Short? Are you kidding? It's a door stop! I recently re-read it for the 3rd time, & despite being a very fast reader who can get through an average novel in a few evenings, it still took me a couple of weeks. Not only is it a very thick novel, it's a very dense one.

There is zero connection between the characters in the book. My bet would be that they wanted to make the most of an asset like Emily Browning, who certainly looks the part.

The rabbit is very much not of the New Gods. As with everything in this story, consider mythology when you're looking for explanations.

IMO, it was a generic Hollywood Irish accent. (Not that I'm an expert on the real thing, I'm embarrassed to say, despite being of mostly Irish ancestry myself.)

[shrug] Then get used to being disappointed.

Most memes are incredibly stupid. Look at Pepé the frog, & what it's escalated into over the last year.

It was a former swimming pool.

His 'conversation' about torture was due to him being a dissociative state, he wasn't actually conscious in the usual sense of the word.

In the real world, people get away with all sorts of shit. In fact, if there's any sort of overarching message to the the show, it's that justice is a rare & precious thing. I suggest that you let it go.

you can't even win at personal attacks when you lose the argument, SAD.

Aw. Poor baby. Feel free to go whine to your MGTOW group about all teh evil feminazis, kid.
While you're there, be sure to boast about how you're going to get rich from zero-point energy. ;)

Is that so? Then you need to do something to correct this horrible injustice instead of whining about it on the Internet, don't you?

No, kid, I'm laughing at you. ;)

Sure, because a few women-only screenings of a movie that men can see anytime they like is a direct cause of male suicide.
Grow the eff up, you obnoxious MRA idiot.

Apparently, your comments are even less valuable than cat videos. ;)

Really? Okay then, go call 911. ;)