Frank Underboob

You've replied *FIVE* times to the same comment?
HAHAHAHAhahaha! Look like I scored a bullseye, cupcake. ;)

Aw. You poor baby!

Zero point energy doesn't exist, you whiny MGTOW buttnugget.

Because /of course/ he does. As, I'm sure, do most of the MRA trolls currently infesting this site.

"Maybe you should explain that in English or something."
Uh… Sherlock Holmes might be one of the most famous characters in English literature, son, & his iconic deerstalker hat is nearly as famous. So given that you didn't know that, you're really not in a great position to be disparaging anyone else's knowledge of

MRAs always think that anything that does something nice for women is, by definition, an EVIIILLLL leftist plot that's undoubtedly going to defile their Precious Bodily Fluids if it isn't stopped.

Ha! Nailed it! (Although he could be a MGTOW as well, but of course they're usually Incels first.)

"CLEARLY states you are not allowed to discriminate based on sex"
They aren't. They're running other sessions of the same movie at the same time in which men are welcome. They certainly aren't keeping you from watching that movie at their theatres.

Goddamn, you really are a spoilt little special snowflake. I bet that when you were a kid, you whined just like this when one of your siblings had a birthday, & you didn't get a present too.

And yet you get no upvotes at all, hun.

Gosh. I have no idea!

And yet 6 people find my argument more persuasive than yours, son. If that bothers you, I suggest that you make good on your 'threat' & fuck off.

LOL. The wingnut doesn't call himself a feminist. What a surprise! /s

Oh dear. You aren't very bright, are you son?

Yeah, no, running a women-only screening for a female-starred superhero movie is just a fun thing, not some kind of sinister conspiracy, kiddo. We all know that your real beef is the same one all the other MRA fucktards have with these screenings, & with the movie itself - just as was with the Ghostbusters remake.

WTF is it about American craft beer that they love hops so much?

I nearly missed that at the time, then I was all: "Did he say what it sounded like he said?".

Or by Mike Judge, which I'd consider much less embarrassing.

Exactly what I was thinking at the time. And yes, IoT have infamously poor security, if they have it at all.

Well played. ;)