Frank Underboob

I'll take that as a "no". Why am I not even slightly surprised?

"Could you point out the part where I was complaining about women?"
Uh. You've whined multiple times about a few women-only screenings for a super-hero movie. But hey, thanks for playing.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, & quacks about the MEAN WIMMINZ, then hey.

Pretty sure you didn't, hun. Feel free to link us to something you've said in a public comment section decrying sexism against women, rather than whining about how mean women allegedly are towards men.

Which child did he call 'ugly', hun? You?

No, I was talking about public events, kiddo.

"Is being a cab driver with a shitty cab while driving around a zombie and a leprechaun sooo much better than his old life?"
Vs life as a broke closeted (by necessity) gay man in a Muslim theocracy? Yeah, I'd say so.

Oh shit, yeah. :( That was right at the start of the book.

Oh good, I loved that part of the book.

I've read it several times, & there are still things I'm hazy about, so yeah. ;)

The story is - just as it says on the tin - about gods, & thus reflects our mythology over the millennia, which is overwhelmingly either created by men, or interpreted by men. So yes, your last comment sums it up nicely.

If I thought you actually meant this sincerely, I'd support it with all my heart. You don't, though, because you MRAs talk about supporting other men, but I only have to look at RoK or any of your other blogsites to see that you're only about hating on women, & any man who doesn't hate them as much as you do.

Tarring everybody who's trying to raise honest questions about this issue

Another way to look it might be as this show being Shadow's origin story.

There's more exposition in the book, which makes it a little easier, but it's still a mess. Worth it though, IMO.

Well, they /claim/ they don't hate black people, at least when they're talking to the media, sure.

Wednesday states it explicitly in the episode where they rob the bank.

He drove there.

It's the same thing I loved about Jessica Jones.

Mad Sweeney's a bigoted asshole who says lots of shit like that, It's his thing. Why would you expect accuracy from him?