Frank Underboob

That makes me so happy!

Now that they've messed with so much with the timeline of the book in the last couple of episodes, I have no idea where they're planning on slotting in that meeting, or even what form it'll take.

My money's on the "they're religious nuts making shit up" option.

Shadow's a tabula rasa in the book, too. It's completely deliberate.

The rules are a mess because mythology is a mess. It helps a lot if you know the basics of the classic god myths. Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Norse, etc. It all makes sense in context.

Did any other photographers (or videographers) find all the HDR in the daylit scenes very distracting? I hate it when the halos are so visible.

She's certainly cute for a dead girl.

Holy crap! So that's why she looked familiar!
Well spotted!

Indeed. As soon as the fridge appeared, I was expecting Dinesh's ex to exploit it to backdoor their network.

I first heard of the practice back in the 80s, albeit under some other name that amounted to the same thing.

Do you mean the expression itself?

I love how he takes the "going viral" idiom so very literally.

Nah, I bet she's right. You do sound like the type.

LOL. IME, most feminists are fine with most men. It doesn't greatly surprise me that they don't like you in particular, though. ;)

Sure you are, snowflake. I bet you never shut up about women getting paid less than men for the same work, right?

Get back to your MGTOW meeting, fuckwad.

Bro Only Nights happen every night of the week, hun. Women & other non-Bros don't go to them for the same reason that black men don't go to KKK keggers.

You're welcome!

Who ran the 1st season in Oz?

Oh god, please no more of The OA, please! That show was just irritating.