Frank Underboob

Hey, Doctor Who have been doing that for about 50 years, so sure, why not?

Do you not know how to use Google?

Yep. The UK original - still one of the finest TV shows in history, IMHO - were 4 episode adaptations of the 3 novels, for a total of 12 episodes. Because the US version is ongoing, it's not possible for it to have the very satisfying denouement of the original, unfortunately, so of course it'll end up lazy & sloppy.

Hon, I don't have to change anything to make you look a fool - you do a damn fine job of that all by yourself. ;)

Who's being discriminated against, comrade?

Wait, are you claiming that in America, English professors aren't required to know the same things as English professors need to know in every other country?

Oh please. I haven't changed a thing, paisan.

Why would I waste them on you? You certainly aren't capable of coming up with anything original yourself, whiner.

Bonus points if we get to see the conception as well.

Damn, kid, you're pretty dim. I was just joking when I said you were 14, but now I'm starting to wonder if maybe I was right.

British? LOL. No, I'm not British, nor am I a Yank. But keep on fishing, Mr "English Professor" who knows nothing about dialect or idiom; there are plenty more countries for you to guess at. ;)

I just realised that you were trying to say that you're 14.

Sure thing, mate.

You should see a doctor about that narcolepsy. It seems to be damaging your brain.

Kid, frat's aren't even a thing in my country. Even if I wanted to be in a frat, I couldn't.

You're repeating yourself, hun. I would've thought that a "college professor of English" would at least own a thesaurus.

HAHAHAHahahahaha! Oh, you're just precious, Mr pretend "college professor". You, I, & everyone else silly enough to read your comments saw you saying that you'd never heard of the expression.

Kid, I've never been in a frat.

No, really. You are not a college professor in English. The only way you could even get an interview would be with fake credentials, & you'd get caught & kicked out long before you could achieve tenure.

FWIW, he just called me a frat boy too, which is amusing, as we don't have frats in my country, nor did I go to a college. (Well, other than for a couple of R&D projects where I collaborated with University teams, but of course that doesn't count as being a student or faculty.)