Frank Underboob

Oh bullshit. You're just making shit up.

It's a common English term that's been around for several decades, so any college professor of English who's unaware of it is truly incompetent.

IK,R? For all that they talk about lefties being special snowflakes, they sure are a lot whinier. Hell, they're still crying about losing the Civil War, FFS.

Did I say that it did? I still haven't figured out WTF "on fleek" even means, much less its etymology.

"Sexist groups will leap on this."
Yes indeed, just as you have in this comment section. But hey, whatever floats your boat, cupcake.

Just as well that this isn't even remotely similar to that then, eh?

Less accurate though.

You've never heard of the term "man cave", & yet you claim to be a college professor in English? I seriously doubt that you're even old enough to be a college professor, not that your English is good enough anyway.

Good question. Why are you? If you care, my advice is to either block him or mock him.

College English prof, here.

It refers to the salty tears that the other party is allegedly shedding. It's basically a newer way of calling someone a cry-baby, or butthurt.

Dunno about the cat head, but the triple parens are a thing the alt-right fucks invented to make it easier for them to dogpile Jewish people on Twitter. So lots of people - including me - have been jamming their trick by putting the parens around our own names there. The practice has even spread outside Twitter.

HAHAhahahaha! Well played!

But look who's whining!

Oh dear. It's so sad that guys like you are so emotional, & so helpless in the grip of your hormones. Honestly, there needs to be more research into finding a treatment for testosterone poisoning.

Aw. I've upset the manbaby. Too bad.

Here, have some tissues, whiner.

Takes one to know one. I mean, seriously? - You really think that that women-only screening is the only one in the city on that particular? Grow the F up, & quit being an overly entitled idiot.

I thought that Iran was mentioned, but I may well be wrong.

Bowie had that effect on a lot of men.