Frank Underboob

Watch it & find out.

To be fair, you'd have to be an Aussie to get that joke, & not a young one either.
ETA: Speaking of handles, I'm sure whether to congratulate you on yours, or tell you off for it. ;)

1) Really? We're jumping all the way ahead to the Arrest/Men in Black story?
2) Gillian Anderson channelling David Bowie to TechBro was excellent.
3) "Dead Wife" beating the crap out of the Leprechaun was hilarious.
4) Nice work, Mr World & Media; I probably would've signed up on that basis.

The theatre's in Texas, dickhead.

I'd argue that he's both.

Yeah, no, that isn't going to be happening, little boy.

Only if you're comparing yourself to a dead frog.

You should totally blow your entire allowance on having a lawyer try to sue them. THAT would sure show them!

Totally off-topic, but I gave you an upvote for being a TISM fan.

Aw, look! - It's a little man-baby. How cyooot!

Yes, when he was standing there, talking on the phone, I figured he was on a balcony or something, & was going to jump off.

That's because I'm not the one getting distraught & defensive, kiddo. ;)

So defensive! If you're in the habit of picking fights in comment sections, you really need to grow a thicker skin, hun.

That's what I love about them! :)

Aw. I've triggered a troll. What a shame.


I've read the book multiple times. It's the noobs you're spoiling things for.

My take on The Chromatics was that he wanted someone who sounded like Julie Cruise, which the singer certainly did.

Thanks so much for that supremely lazy comment. Hopefully, we won't be hearing from you again.

God, I hope not. She's a great character. If they want to go with a cliché, she'd make the perfect stalker ex.