Frank Underboob

Because his giant ego thought that it was a gift more valuable than the funding he's just removed by disappearing.

I took it as Wednesday watching over him, certainly.

Bonus points for it being done by a sexy zombie girl too!

She inherited it from her grandmother. She mentions it explicitly during the episode.

Well, you might feel differently about it by the end of the season.

Exactly right.

Yes, it did. That was the joke.

Exactly. I worked in the industry during the DotCom boom, & this is pretty much how it works.

They did set me up with a pretty easy shot. ;)

Thanks for getting it. :)

Look, having read the book multiple times, it's really hard for me to see the show from the POV of someone who hasn't, so I don't know how to get it across to you without ruining the story for you. All I can say is that if you're been enjoying it so far - & this stuff was confusing as hell in the book too, so you're

The joke turns to a personal conflict with Bryce, who argues his attractiveness is what keeps him from succeeding in this industry. (Given the great many other problems the tech industry has with being judgmental, it’s odd that this is the one Silicon Valley decided to make a joke out of.)

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to that whole arc, & especially that particular scene.

I also don't see bitch as an aggressive thing, since I call people that all the time.

Nope. Laura's part in this story is not as some clichéd 'guardian angel'. Her part in it is far more interesting.

Year after year, eh?

Hey! Spoiler tags, please!

Aw. No article for Ep 4 yet? :(

Bless their hearts.

The more, the merrier, as far as I'm concerned. ;)