Frank Underboob

At least as articulate as your comment, hun. And you're welcome. ;)

IK,R? When I discovered this, I was all "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

Sure, because you scum set such a great example. LOL

Important Pro-tip if you want to troll the scum on Breitbart: They zap comments with profanity, so mind your language, & keep your insults creative.

An overlap of nearly 100%, based on the few times I've paddled in that particular sewer.

That's because they don't want to learn anything new, they just want to be told that their existing views are right.

when was the last time you had your mind changed on an important issue because you listened to reasoned arguement from the other side?

Aw, another alt-right special-snowflake has been triggered. Need a safe-space, hun? Maybe you should run off to Breitbart?

Go fuck yourself, troll.

Or O'Reilly.

LOL, no, you dumbass troll.

You were implying that the Scooby Gang were 16.

Nuh uh!

He's a 15 year old kid; of course his lyrics suck.

My god. Whoever Reggie ends up with in the long term is going to spend the entire relationship churning out babies.

Oh god yes. They were criminally underused.

No way. I can totally see her mother doing it though.

Oh god, please no bottle episodes. They're nearly always due to the writers getting lazy & desperate. IMO, the pace of this show is was keeps it from getting bogged down in its plot-hole potholes.

Gosh, I can't imagine why Valerie might've been annoyed with the Scooby Gang. /sarcasm

Yeah, that was bothering me too. And the tokenistic treatment of both Valerie -
where Archie basically made her his side-girl - & the Pussycats as a whole - who were totally ignored by Betty during her shout-outs in her public speech, even as they were literally standing next to her.