Frank Underboob

I'm with you on this. I binged the whole season in less than a week, & really enjoyed it. If I'd been watching it weekly, I might well have been more bothered by the plot holes.

Not that you're wrong, but I took her annoyance as being from him going straight from being dumped to being smoochy with Veronica. It certainly confirmed her belief that he wasn't really that interested about her in the first place.

Not that you're wrong, but I took her annoyance as being from him going straight from being dumped to being smoochy with Veronica. It certainly confirmed her belief that he wasn't really that interested about her in the first place.

Too be fair, when has a teenager not believed that the first person they fall in love with is their soulmate?

Oh jeez, you're not kidding.

They're 15; everyone has to learn this stuff the first time.

I was wondering the same thing.

10: I too was totally confuzzled as to how Hermione upgraded from employee to full partner. I do remember a scene where it comes up, but I don't recall the justification being more than a little hand-wavey.
8: Yeah, seriously, not even a single tear shed for poor nana Blossom dying helplessly in the conflagration?

He's just turned 15, but yeah.

We know for sure that Jughead is 15, because that's how many candles were on his birthday cake.

This middle-aged man who hates most teen-targeted shows is loving it. In fact, I didn't try it for the same reason as you. Then I heard someone describe it as Twin Peaks / Blue Velvet meets the Archie comics, so I checked out the first episode, loved it, then binged my through the entire season.

I'm pretty comfortable with the usual French idioms used in English, but "pas de deux" is new to me, so I wouldn't call it a common one.

Mind you, Archie himself is already cutting quite a swathe through the Riverdale wimminfolk.

Technically, you're not wrong, but those events are pretty rare, while wingnut/alt-right fuckwits doing this kind of stuff are ubiquitous. Proportions matter.

It turns out that he is indeed a weirdo creep. Also, a Trump-supporter, because of course he is.

Her dead brother.

Wow. He's one scary looking guy.

Holy crap! I take it that he owed you for a modelling gig?

Which can backfire badly. Way back before the Internet was a thing, I once took a first date to a new Ken Loach movie, based on widespread praise in the indy media, which I figured would be a good basis for conversation. I soon realised that it was a mistake. I hadn't seen any of his movies before, & I wasn't aware