Frank Underboob

In the Medium article, he comes across exactly the way you'd expect from his lawsuit.

His point was that deities 'mutate' over time, just as their worshippers do over generations.

Indeed. That entire point is raised explicitly in-show when Wotan is talking all the different Jesus brands/franchises in America.

Did you follow up with a banana-split for dessert?

Good luck convincing the entirety of the movie & TV industry to greatly increase their casting costs, just to satisfy a tiny minority of pedants who'll keep watching anyway, despite their grumbling.

The only thing I found at all offensive about that scene was the somewhat iffy CGI in the bit in the desert, which I found quite distracting.

As long as it's not Finding Nemo, I guess.

Of course it is. #facepalm

LOL. Yeah, some of the comments in this very section are kind of amusing in that regard. I'll admit to feeling a little bit awkward watching that scene, but it didn't stop me from being awed at the beauty of it.

The efrit had taken his salesman's air-ticket & ID, etc, so he could return to their home country (Iran, IIRC). It is quite clear in the book, but it's a bit of a blink & you'll miss it thing in the show.
There are lots of little vignettes like that one in the book, most of which aren't part of the main plot, but

The bank thing was after banking hours. He was scamming them out of their night-deposits, not out of ATM money.
And you think that a cop in a snow storm is going to sit there freezing while someone at the station spends half an hour looking up contact details for the bank, when they've got a legit-looking guard with a

Right, because anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line with "progressive" orthodoxy is an alt-right Nazi.

If your relationship with your pet is amorous, something is terribly wrong. ;)

Indeed. She's done so at least a dozen times since I made that comment. Goddamn cats.

Bummer. I rather liked the dynamic of the large, rather artistic Arabic(?) subtitles, overlaid with standard English subtitles.

1. I have been paying attention.

Call me cynical, but my take on the cats who preferred snuggles is that they were still full from their previous meal.

You're not getting that Shadow is learning to psych people out via their emotions. It's very obvious that Czernobog has 'issues', so of course they're being used against him. Sure, that exact argument wouldn't work on you, but you're not Czernobog. Try getting into his head, & think about it from his POV.

Well, if that's something you think you'd enjoy, then you should definitely stick with the show. :)