Frank Underboob

Wait, *more* than food? I'll concede that mine can be affectionate at non-food-related times, but I can't even imagine her prioritising me *over* her stomach.

Please do. Some people have struggled with the first episode, because (IMO, obviously) it has a lot of important stuff that's hard to get across visually. If the second episode doesn't get you hooked; fair enough, maybe the show isn't for you.

Well, wouldn't you? I certainly would.

Right? This het guy was just about in tears over the beauty of the meet/seduction/fuck thing there.

Hey, don't we all?

I am so fucking glad that I'm not the only one who got that! ;)


Speaking of which, mine is whining for me to open the door for her, because of course she is.

This is why - despite being a cat owner myself - I laugh at the deluded hoomins who think their cats give a fuck about them.

Gotta say that in an otherwise super-impressive scene, I found the CGI desert scene pretty clunky.

Hm. I haven't bumped into you before, but it sounds like you'd make an excellent Australian. ;)

I think that's way too late in the story to appear in the first season, considering what's been said about the plans for the TV adaptation.

Is insanely good.

I saw that something happened there, but wasn't quick enough to spot the details. I was tempted to rewind, but was enjoying the flow too much.

Wimp. I'm a heterosexual man, & yet I still wept at the beauty of that sequence.

Shit, you beat me to it. :)

You remember Wotan's comment in this episode about Jesus basically being a franchise? The whole thing kind of works like that.

You understand that Gaiman isn't American or Canadian, yes?

That maybe you need to read up on mythology? That kind of shit isn't even in the top 10 of pre-Christian weirdness.

I'm glad to hear it. I've read the book several times, & have been incredibly impressed at the quality of this adaptation, but I have no way of telling how well it works for people who are seeing it with virgin eyes, if you see what I mean. I'm glad it's working for you too.