Frank Underboob

It is the exact opposite of silly & dull, & if you insist on having some intellectual & philosophical meat in your entertainment, you're going to love it.

Ah, of course. The charge of racism. Predictable, and indicative of a brainwashed leftist mind

This episode is magic. And the efrit sequence; I've been terrified at how it might be treated on TV, but damn, it was a work of art - it was actually better than the book. Those moments as they silently reach out for each other were both beautiful & heartbreaking.
I don't have the faintest idea how this show is coming

It's great that @Wastrel:disqus went on to say more reasonable things, but that doesn't make it any less wrong to claim that slavery of black people in America was "was imposed through legal processes as a punishment" - which it wasn't - implying that their predicament was in any way comparable to slaves in ancient

I must've missed that line. Then yes, they're obviously renting.

There's that, yes.

Oh, good pick; I hadn't even thought of Valentino.

You don't read so well, do you, hon? You can just run off now, & take your racism with you.

Ah yes, like "bio-mom" which I've seen a lot of adoptees use. And the classic term for asshole bio-fathers is "sperm donor".

People often forget how small Europe is, & how tiny so many European countries are.

Did Rock Hudson ever do any action roles? And of course Errol Flynn was bi, if that counts.

Yikes! Considering some of the conversations I've had on dates, that's kind of a scary thought.

Does it count as naked when one party is covered in fur?

Is Han Solo / Chewbacca slash an actual thing?

If you agree to paint me as Han Solo in return, you've got a deal. ;)

Hey, I wasn't trying to paint you as anything, just joining in on a thought-provoking conversation. :) It's one of those topics where there are good arguments on multiple sides.

Despite being a hard-core Lefty myself, I find that part of the movie hilariously funny, because there's so much truth to it.

Thing is, though, that Trump is practically a textbook example of the condition, & people afflicted with NPD are invariably complete arseholes. And saying this as a person who very officially suffers from mental illness myself; I have zero sympathy for people who refuse to even try to manage their condition well

Plus, it makes it sound super-weird if you also have a business partner. ;)

Yes, he's doing a dynamite job.