Frank Underboob

The one I struggle with is what to call the mother of our child, with whom I was not in any kind of serious relationship with when we conceived him. The only term I've run into that seems at all suitable is "baby-mama", which is not all that close.

No, I'm really not. Perhaps I'm being a lot more obtuse than usual, but I really can't tell what it is that you're trying to say.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way about it. Oddly enough, it was the lake part of the book that dragged a little for me, although it was still very good - & damn, the payoff was sure worth it.

You what? Why would anyone slaughter cows in a skyscraper?

Sure they are, Mulder.

As a ling time fan of Terry Pratchett, I'm frankly astonished to discover that 'Poon' is a real surname, rather than something he just invented for his zombie wizard.

Given how far back they 'immigrated', it's entirely reasonable to assume that they own the apartment.

He's been around for at least a thousand years, so I don't think it's unreasonable that he'd consider a century ago to be pretty recent. Hell, I'm only middle-aged, & I consider any tech that appeared this century to be pretty new.

The 'place' is America itself, not any particular part of it.

Which is exactly as it should be. :)

It's a shame that you had to learn it this way, because the book works the same way, & figuring out the mystery is a big part of what makes it so good.
And please do the right thing by others reading this thread, & use spoiler tags when you're discussing stuff that hasn't come up in the show yet. :)

Slavery was imposed through legal processes as a punishment, just as imprisonment is today.

Good riddance. This thread started with an ignorant apologist for slavery, & you should be ashamed of yourself for giving them what they will undoubtedly perceive as support.

A - fucking - men!
God I hate pedantic assholes who try to derail completely valid points by pretending that an accurate summary somehow doesn't count if it isn't a scholarly dissertation with cited references.

She's very obviously trying to pretend that slavery in America was somehow okay, because American slave-owners outsourced the original captures, rather than doing it with their own hands.

Your comment beat me to it. ;)

If you're as unaware of the history of the Dutch slave trade as that comment made you seem, I suggest that you do some study on it, rather than embarrass yourself by relying on American history books.

Exactly. Indigenous Australians have their own Old Gods, & there was never a wave of immigration to bring them to another country.

I'm not sure why - because them being Russian makes a lot of sense - but I'd been assuming that they were Czechs or Poles.

Me too. I was putting off watching this episode because I was worried that they might drop the ball, but it was even better than the first episode.