Frank Underboob

Actually, that particular thing is why GooglePlus (Google's social media app) failed to take off, & it's an ongoing issue with many of Google's other applications.

Bear in mind that that's a startlingly accurate representation of what it's like to work in a start-up.

Maybe re-watch the scene in the plane, too. ;)

I'll give you a non-spoilery hint: The Viking scene at the start is key. Give it some thought, & maybe watch that scene again. If you still don't get it, it'll likely become a lot clearer as the series progresses.

By spoilering it some more, thereby compounding the original fail.

You knowingly posted a spoiler without hiding it. That's an asshole thing to do.

Are you kidding? It's a super-dense book. The first episode only covered maybe 50 pages of the book.

Just so you know, I've flagged you for the deliberate spoilering.

You're excused.

LOL. Like I give a shit that you have terrible taste in books & TV.
If you miss out something this good, it's your loss, not mine.

He's a scammer who can do any accent. I'm not going to spoil it for other readers, so all I'll say is that if you do the tiniest amount of research, you have more than enough info to figure it out.

Sucks to be you. Go watch something that's more your speed. Is Jersey Shore still on the air?

One of the main characters mercilessly takes the piss out of him for his dumbshit hippy name halfway through the first episode.

"But the connection isn't being made here to American attitudes to immigration; it's being made to Trump"
Oh bullshit. If Americans didn't hate immigrants, they wouldn't have voted for him.

You can STFU about Trump too.


Oh hell no, not even similar.

Dude! Spoilers!

In the scene with the Vikings, that'd be a 'yes'.

It makes sense in the context of the entire story. If you haven't read the book, best you just ignore it for now.