Frank Underboob

There's one major spoiler, re; Wednesday's identity.

Do. I made a point of re-reading the book when it started sounding like a TV adaptation was genuinely going to happen, & am very happy with the first episode. I think they've gotten the feel of the story very well.

Yep. The entire point of tech is that it ages so fast, so it seems very fitting to me.

I just watched the first episode, & am very happy with the adaptation. Considering how dense the book is, with so much inner dialogue, that's an impressive achievement.

What, seriously? Yes, it was a bit of a slog, but oh, so worth it.

It isn't available in my country, & I doubt that it ever will be - or at least unburdened by ads. I watched it anyway. Torrents are your friend.

Oh fuck off. You are everything that is bad about comment sections.

And now it's getting interesting, as of S04E17, as we finally see Mr Kaplan's backstory.

No kidding, his YT videos were good value.

That's how I took it too.

I sure did. I was astounded that it wasn't even mentioned in the review. He even had a line!

I thoroughly approve of your Missus. :)

You're right, but to be fair, Holden isn't any kind of soldier or fighter.

No mention of Adam Savage's cameo as the doomed mission specialist on the Arboghast?

It was deorbiting.* That is, it was no longer in orbit because it was applying acceleration to leave orbit. It wasn't "falling". (Now, if I were as big a pedant as you think I am, I'd get into the nitty-gritty as to how unlikely it'd be for the debris to hit the station at all, given that Ganymede has very low

Ew. "Face/off" - another movie I'm really glad I didn't pay to see.

Oh, get over yourself. I didn't even realise that you were that same person until now.

Ah, I see. (I've never watched the TV show, only the crappy movie.)

I saw the original Battlestar Galctica in the theatre. Even at that age, I wasn't impressed by 'robots' that looked like paunchy guys wearing chromed-plastic armour, with shuttling red LEDs for eyes.

Wait, you liked Batman & Robin?