Frank Underboob

It was clunky as hell, but I liked the premise enough to give it a chance to win me over with a couple more episodes, which it did. I can see though, why lots of people weren't willing to do so. I felt that way about The Librarians, of which the pilot seemed to me to be a really crappy knock-off of Warehouse 13.

Not required, but very much appreciated. ;)

Or perhaps the demon just didn't know that Nick cared for Bud.

"It's a Wonderfully Grimm Life" maybe?

I think the best finale I've ever seen for a TV series was the one for Six Feet Under, where they did a high speed "life flashing before your eyes" montage of each character's life, then death.

Why would he be a Zauberbiest? His dad is a Grimm, & his mum is a Hexenbiest. Are you thinking of Diana?

I stopped caring about these sorts of questions when I read the interview with the creators who admitted that they basically just made shit up as the went along - a la Lost - rather than having a cohesive plan for the show.

My guess would be that she might be shy about showing her post-pregnancy body.

With the rise of streaming video, FTA ratings are becoming much less important, *as long as* the content providers are smart enough to make the most of their options.

Pouches FTW!

Well, that's pretty close.

Cyllene? Huh. I must've missed that. I don't recall seeing any mention of it in the show.

Sort of. For context, remember that Earths moon only has 1/6th the gravity of Earth. Sure, people wouldn't be floating, but they wouldn't be as influenced by gravity as strongly as on Earth, either. Imagine the real-world footage of the astronauts on the moon to get some kind of mental picture of how it'd work.

Except that he was obviously drunk.

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IK,R? That's why I find it so irritating that people are making that assumption.

Personally, I think that ending was the best thing about the episode. The whole defenceless damsel thing is incredibly stale, & I thought that was an appropriate, & very funny surprise ending.

It was a shame about Constantine; I was finally feeling like it'd gotten into its stride when it was cut off.

That or it's only the talented ones who get the task of doing the illustrations.

Just for fairness, make EVERYONE topless for the last episode, I say!