Frank Underboob

"But it was all a dream!"
Still, though, we all knew that they'd all be revived somehow, & all things considered, I think that the finalé was pretty good.

Sure, but it still isn't realistic. (Not that I blame them; good simulations of zero / low gravity are expensive & time consuming.)


No worries. Thanks for taking my comment in the spirit with which it was intended.

I guess, but with a 6 month break, though?

Are you kidding? I inhaled nearly all of Season 1 less than a week ago, then got fully caught up in time to watch this ep the same day as the rest of you.
This might be the most bingeable show I've ever watched in my life.
(And I watched it online in my country, not on FTA TV in the US.)

All my relevant experience is in still photography, rather than cine or video, but they all overlap a hell of a lot, especially in these HD & 4K days. :) Back before HD was a common thing, videographers could get away with being sloppy about focus, because the medium just didn't have the resolution needed to make

Hey, running into spoilers is the risk you take when you read about something on a forum. It's not the end of the world, after all. All I ask for is that people be mindful about it, so no problem. :)

Props: Did any other vapers notice that the "injectors" used in the last few episodes were actually vaporiser tanks; specifically the Kanger Aerotank2?* I cracked up when they showed up in the first Eros episode.

The actor very obviously is of Polynesian (specifically, Maori) descent, but I was meaning just her accent. Someone else in the thread argued that she was born into an ethnically-specific enclave on Mars, which is a pretty good explanation.

Oh, right. My bad. It didn't even occur to me that people might not know that Kiwi = New Zealander. I'm a Skip*, myself, which is a much less well-known term.

I wish. I've already seen a wingnut here talking about that scene as though it's a searing indictment of socialism, somehow.

Errinwright's three moves were to either come clean and try to work out a cushy deal

Exactly. At that point, I was facepalming badly in anticipation. Thank Dog the writers weren't that lazy.

Whatever the drink was, it wasn't carbonated*, as we can see when he shakes out those globs & beats them to the bottom of the steps. (Actually, one of the things that annoys me about how the show treats gravity, is exhibited in that scene, because he's drinking out of an earth-style can, which wouldn't work too well

So it's a 'socialist paradise', which means it's a hellish slave society for 95% of the poor souls

That's the second time I've seen someone in the comments who doesn't get that rich national leaders tend to be utterly deluded (or just dishonest) about how shitty their poorest subjects' lives are. That particular bit of bullshit is very true to real life, & it's one of the reasons this show is so good.

Wait, you're surprised that reality of life at street level isn't as rosy as one of the world leaders claims it is? Seriously?

Yeah, that makes some sense for a first generation Martian.

I think it's a lot more likely that it's just because super-tall actors - especially women - are pretty hard to find.