Frank Underboob

Yikes! Could you be talked into spoiler-tagging stuff like that for those of us who haven't read the books yet, but would like to in future?

Technically, you can't shoot in shallow focus with a long lens. The shots you're talking about seem to me to be shot with a short tele, like maybe 85mm (35mm equiv.), near to wide open, so with shallow DoF. I agree with you though that the focus was sloppy; my guess at the time was that they were using AF - rather

Huh? Haven't you ever seen a very fit woman in person? That's what they usually look like. Women don't bulk up in the same way that men tend to.

Well, obviously the real-world reason the actor has a Kiwi accent is that she's a Kiwi. (Plus she certainly looks like she has Maori ancestry, so double that.)

I always wondered whether Darkseid was meant to be pronounced 'dark side' or 'dark seed'.

One thing I'm confused about is that I believe that she's a native-born Martian, so how come she has a Kiwi accent?

You're not kidding; the pace is fast; each episode feels to me like not even half its actual length.

Yep, me too. I started watching season 1 at the start of the week, & was solidly hooked by the second ep. I've been bingeing gluttonously since then, & have just gotten caught up.

I’d either forgotten or never heard that this season would run three episodes longer than season one. Either way, excellent news!

Wait, she was actually pregnant for real?
(I'm one of those people who takes pretty close to zero interest in celebrity news.)

Bye Felicia!

One thing that's always annoyed me about Adalind's pregnancy with Nick is that she's a hexenbiest & a witch - a calling that historically had fertility-control at its core - plus, she's deliberately setting out to sexually assault him, & yet she takes no measures to prevent conception. Then she acts all shocked when

You're welcome! ;)

Don't waste your time on the troll; he likely thinks that rape shouldn't even be a crime in the first place.

And you can fuck right off with your "virtue-signalling" alt-right bullshit.

Would've solved the whole world in danger problem too.

Oh hell yeah, I'll be ripping into them with gusto.

Why the FUCK would you watch Twin Peaks on acid? That's just asking for trouble!

Do you remember what that later show was, that was very obviously kind of a knockoff of Twin Peaks, but was set in Alaska?

Disqus does that every now & then, fucked if I know why. The trick I use to fix it is to open a new tab, open, then log in to it.
After that, things should just work on the tab you were having trouble with.