Frank Underboob

I've got my own bit of similar mental weirdity about Flint, in which I keep on wanting to spell it "Flynt", & imagine it somehow being connected to the guy that owned Hustler magazine, & had the famous court case.

Says the guy whose last comment included these incisive gems of erudition:
"You are retarded."
"You are being dumb."

Just in a bad mood I guess - it's that time of the year. My apologies.

Well yeah. No kidding.

That's fine. I'm just pointing out that they are a tiny proportion of the potential audience, & that it's the widest market who is inevitably going to have their wishes catered to.

Personally, I would be fine with subs for situations like that, but the vast majority of viewers wouldn't be. I suggest that you get over it.

Yes. Which is what I was meaning. If your primary audience for a movie speak Language X, obviously you're going to make all the dialog Language X. Having done that, you still some way to differentiate between them speaking Language X & them speaking Language Y, so you have them use an accent or something for the

Because the audience are either native English speakers, or have it as a second language. Duh.

Why wouldn't it? The first season was fucking excellent.

I'm calling out your teenage bullshit, hon.

It's certainly put me off it.

You yourself prove that conditioning can easily trump instincts every time you shit in a toilet instead of your pants.

Little boys & girls are conditioned to behave in those stereotypical ways.

Damn straight. It's a better song too.

"Irregardless" isn't a word.

Go look up the word 'consent'. It's important.
And no, all women do NOT appreciate being pursued in that way, even if they might be attracted to the guy in other circumstances.

The song is better than the movie, IMO.

Yes. She's a Circ de Soliel performer.

Nuh uh! FIRST best hole!

Damn, you're even more stupid than I assumed from your previous comment. And no, I'm not 20. Hell, my son is in his teens.