Frank Underboob

Rubbish. They're vastly more informed than most older people when it comes to knowing how awful their job prospects are, & how badly climate change is going to affect the human race, for just a couple of obvious examples. Most people my age are in complete denial about both those topics.

Maybe not, but the US is very right wing compared to civilised countries.

Actually, it was mostly older white people who voted for Trump over Clinton. I have way more respect for the political stances of millennials than of people my age (middle aged) or older.

I could pronounce "antidisestablishmentarianism" younger than that, AND could define it too. ;)

Sounds like me as a kid!

OMG! That is wonderful!

Well, if you can find it, please do link to it here, because it sounds entertaining. :)

Okay, I admit it. I googled for it. You suckered me good.

For me, it was one of the few Seth Rogen movies I really enjoyed. Go figure.

Ah! Now I remember. Thanks. :)

Yeah, Penguin was pinging my gaydar too, pretty much from the start. Which character is Montoya? I don't recall that name.

I went with creepy on that one. Dunno why everyone has to be 100% gay or straight, though, there are a lot of people in the world who're bi to greater or lesser degree.

And this is a Batman show on TV after all; let's not forget that the original TV was camp as a row of tents.

Mind you, Cap did hit on his dead GF's niece at the end of Civil War.

IK,R? When I saw that comment, I started imagining a gay supervillain gang in Gotham, & I think it'd be glorious.

why does EVERYONE need to be gay?

Seeing as we het's get to have 99% of the nice things in the world, I think it's kind of selfish to begrudge the non-het's getting 1% of them.

I'd argue that Barbara & Tabitha are bi, rather than gay. (I'm assuming that's who you're referring to.)

Yeah, I thought it was kind of a cheat that he didn't shoot her in the head, considering how close he was. As soon as I saw that, I figured that she was intended to live.

Well, it's kind of a high-camp/comedy version, but it is a legit Batman TV show, even so.