
You know what they say about anecdotes . . .

Are you really this fucking humorless?

I think you missed the joke that a non sumerged jeep sucks as much as a submerged vehicle. Again, the JOKE. It was a joke you took as him citing a fact it seems. As a jeep wrangler owner, loosen the tight wad ya got bunched up man. Gonna get pissed when someone says Ford means fix or repair daily and doesnt cite facts

Hey, leave Chevy out of this.

Let’s go with that, Lew Schiller, Esq.

I’m not sure, Your Honor. Let’s call it a hunch.

You know what’s funny?

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I always considered buying one of these...Risky Business.

You got that right.

This asshole should be charged with attempted murder.  It being TN and her being white I suspect she’ll get a speeding ticket.  Maybe.

Did you not notice how many white-people names she had?

they wouldn’t even be arrested. they would be killed.

but she’s a “Christian” and a “pro-life” person! She can’t be a nasty terrorist!!

They wouldn’t have been arrested.  They would have left in a body bag. 

There’s a lot of things in America that need to be counted as “domestic terrorism”.

Terrorism is a just a word we invented to charge brown people for more crimes.

You mean they would’ve been shot dead.

And if it was someone darker they would have been hauled out of their vehicle and either shot or “forcibly detained” until they were taken away by an ambulance or a hearse.