Durham went on to say “As long as they confine their Klan activities and cross burning to the summer I see no problem here.”
Durham went on to say “As long as they confine their Klan activities and cross burning to the summer I see no problem here.”
If the video is being distributed at school then it is happening during the school year.
Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.
Ah yes, “the Black guy made us do a racism” is a tale as old as time
Romania was just a bad place to pick for this, with one of the lowest vaccination rates in the EU.
No, he didn’t.
“The policy makes exceptions for cases that endanger public safety”
Nazi assholes are funny that way.
Who is extinguishing history? Getting rid of a giant, ugly statue doesn’t change the fact that Robert E. Lee was a traitor to our country. I know Trump is not a reader, but there are these things called books where a lot of historical information is kept.
A long time ago during whichever year the Civil War took place in, fantastic and brilliant General Robert E. Lee was not at all a traitor, which was fake news, and won his war against the totally corrupt and dangerous Anti-Confederacy, or as they are increasingly known as the Anticonfa.
We have all sorts of restrictions for people on probation, why can’t the no-fly list be included for people like this? While we are added, might as well include people on probation for violent crimes - no need to have them on the plane either.
In addition to criminal charges, which great, seem to be increasing, stick these morons immediately on the no fly list. Air travel is not a right, if you demonstrate you can’t handle it, you get to fly never.
Ever notice that the cable “education” channels that were touted as a market-driven replacement for PBS like History, Discovery, TLC. etc. have all turned in to homes for crappy reality shows, conspiracy theories and pseudoscience? I guess that pays better than boring old facts and science.
Yep.. Stepping down and probably has enough money to never ever need to work again while living extravagantly.
For those keeping score at home...
The tech industry as a whole has a problem
Guys...I don’t want to cause a panic here, but I’m *starting* to think gaming has a male toxicity problem...
Sadly, they’ll just cash out and keep their heads down for a while until one of their fellow bros at another company offers them a new gig.