
Yes. Because you should be up to at least 100 by now.

What is even the thought process on this? Vaccines will kill you, but not if I do it first?

Right Wing Cancel Culture run amok. Republicans invented cancel culture, now they wield it like a weapon to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. 

I hate that these are real thoughts and not some elaborate satire. Also playing into the men always vote logically/rationally as if certain me haven't perfected the art of doing things out of spite.

Yeah, Photoshop is miraculous.

The freaking stupidity! If you can’t vote, you risk losing all of your rights! Not meaning that someone would get in office and get rid of all the amendments, but that men would take those rights away from women!

Fun fact: the concept of pulling one’s self up by one’s own bootstraps was intended as satire, as it’s physically impossible to do so.

So they also passed a bill to provide support to women after they have the child right? Prenatal care for the mother?

Ok now you announced it.....SHUT THE FUCK UP.  No press tours, no slap happy ‘associate’ making stupid statements to a frothing Don Lemon....nothing.

I’m working at the polls today. We’ve already had several people accuse us of switching/stealing votes. It’s a primary. What would be the point of stealing votes?

SHE may vote solely because of emotion (and some emotion is a damn good thing to include in your voting decisions) but I have both a uterus AND a brain and both are/were (I’m old) functional. Infuriating. 

Goddamnit! I have no patience for stupidity. 


Srsly.  What does she do all day? 

Any person who sets out to prove that they are a kind or nice person has already lost the argument. This is just something you cannot prove with words and should not have to be outwardly affirmed. Your kindness is shown through actions that should speak for themselves and if they can’t, you should just embrace your

As always Republicans are masters of projection...

Gosh, it’s almost as if “cancel culture” is actually “we keep saying racist, sexist, stupid, and generally unacceptable things and we’re mad the marketplace of ideas keeps calling us out on it”.

Did you read the article?
Reverse engineered code is not piracy. Also, to be able to play GTA with this code you still need the original game.
Reporting on developers making unlawful DMCA claims is certainly important, which is what this is really about.