
I guess if I mention what the Gates Foundation has done to hurt public education in this country, I’d be the asshole? I’ll let other people do it instead:

Stifling of innovation through overpriced licensing of crappy bloatware, gouging public schools through same, investing in for-profit charterized privatisation of schools, pushing nuclear long past its “sell by" date...

Kate ticks all the same boxes that made women appealing to the masses two centuries ago. She never complains. She always makes sure to look her best. She rigorously watches her weight. She makes sure she does whatever the Firm tells her to with a smile. She ignored the philandering before and after her marriage.

Yeah, medicine has a long history of excluding women from research trials out of convenience (even female animals were excluded through the early aughts due to concerns that menstruation would interfere with research data).

There’s no life hack that gets around the knowledge your government was happy to let a vast swath of its population die, no radical acceptance of such a monumental chain of loss.”

Most people are hyper-focused on the technical issues with the game, and are ignoring or glossing over its design flaws. It’s possible, even likely, that they’ll fix the technical problems - at least on PC’s and the current consoles - but I don’t see the design flaws getting fixed. Maybe they’ll come closer to what

Even if they fix every bug in the game, it still doesn’t live up to what they promised with their first gameplay reveal. They would need to massively overhaul the quest structure, narrative, NPCs and player character building.

I see this kind of take a lot and I’m just done with it.

oh this is used.  thats why its only 500k. ive seen some of those new and theyre over 2 million.  its absolutely crazy pricing.  i dont see where it all goes.  

she’s getting attacked like crazy. i think it’s because she rightfully named seth rogen as being complicit and everyone loves seth rogen so she’s getting shit on big time.

Per 100,000 is a comparison that’s moot and I wish people would stop using it.

Remember the Dixie Chicks?


Excommunication was a thing. If you think that’s ancient history, how about the women I know who were fired from their jobs for being unwed mothers in the past 50 years?

Trump supporters are dumb? Perfect example here:

This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point. [emphasis added] [htt

It is CRAZY how much these Trump supporters are getting duped, grifted, and fucked over by their own team, and even after having to go through their banks to get their money back, are still on team Trump.

This is funny and all, but these sorts of laws were enacted to keep undesirables like the blacks and the Irish from holding liquor licenses.