This feckless cunt has the best eye shadow.
This feckless cunt has the best eye shadow.
I deeply appreciate your screen name.
I’m not even Japanese and I’m baffled by the pants.
They just want to put all the poors on the fast track to God. Giving them proper medical treatment just slows them down. THIS is how you actually help the poor... or something like that.
Go ask the ones that are giving money to that evangelist so he can buy his 4th private jet.
That one day they’ll get their big break, and once that happens they aren’t gonna wanna share their wealth with those lazy poors, either.
“The probability of an accident with Autopilot is less.”
Seems like a good reason for having it to me.
The name is a red herring. Doesn’t matter what you call it. Idiots will be idiots. Here are some systems not called Autopilot where people pull similar shenanigans (note the guy even leaves the driver seat completely):
Hey, remember when Donald Trump Sr. showed up to his son’s college to take him to a baseball game and instead slapped Donald Trump Jr. in the face in front of his friends for wearing a Yankees jersey instead of the family’s signature ill-fitting suit?
I’m gonna be totally honest here. I’m 27 years old. If I’m going to a grocery store solo, I’mma be cart serfing. Not not because of the LULZ, but because it’s actually an efficient and enjoyable way to move.
Yeah, damn money-grubbing fatcat environmentalists. Wait, what?
“The Nissan Frontier reminds me of Eric Trump.”
Leave the political opinion crap to CNN and Fox.
I want to read this kind of a book, only I want to read it about Juicero
Jesus I’m trying to think of an insult worse then “reminded me of the last generation Sunfire/Cavalier” and have got nothing. If I was Nissan marketing this would have me curled up in the corner crying right now.
You mean in the same way PUBG took the concept from someone else.
Hurting the credibility of victims of sexual abuse helps Kushner’s family because his father-in-law has raped people.
Roseanne’s shed almost 50% of her total audience and 50% of the her audience in the 18-49 demo. I don’t really see how those numbers bounce back, and the attention it gets now is almost universally toxic. There’s no reason to stay onboard that ship.