
Conservative think tank.  It’s what a group of rich conservatives call when they spend money and think up ways to be shit on the working class and people of color.  They pay people like Candace to shit on herself. 

I like that planet Hoth jacket. Everything else is just weird, but that’s kind of the point of most fashion shows.

I like it when she says “there’s kids here you fucking piece of shit!”

Man, get your crazy ideas outta here!!

I like how the wife says she has irrefutable proof this never happened “as they are being described” It didn’t happen but it did happen. 

Is she still a racist? I mean my dad was racist too.  It’s the people who haven’t changed that is a problem.  I would like to think she’s grown as a person since her days in ass backwards Missouri.  I know I have.

He overheard someone saying Trump will “be indicted” in August and he thought they were saying reinstated.

And progressives don’t hate rich people, it’s blatant greed that we hate.  Bezos is rich, great! Bezos under pays and over works his employees, that’s what needs to be stopped.  Plus they need to pay their damn taxes, for many they see that as “punishing” the wealthy for simply paying their fair share.

She supports white supremacists and praises Hitler, she’s not an idiot she’s just a shameless piece of garbage who has sold her soul for money.  If they told her to tap dance at the RNC she’d do it.

It’s the DR. Seuss thing, conservatives have nothing real to be angry about so they look for things.  It’s sad and pathetic.

They should bring back the 944.  I’m sure it would be their best selling most profitable car.

28 million dollars to put a fancy storage compartment in the back. 

If someone brown did this yelling Akbar they would be arrested and charged as a terrorist. This is domestic terrorism, these Qanon antivax, stop the steal nuts are dangerous terrorists.

Since I’ve been vaccinated I’ve bought 10 copies of Windows, is that weird?

What the fuck is wrong with this Senator that she wants to give our tax dollars to the richest man in the world 10 billion because he didn’t get a government contract?

Doesn’t seem like android users care.

This is why Target stopped selling them.  These people are nuts, they’re attacking people who purchased them in the parking lots. 

People need to stop with the plastic surgery.

I’m surprised ARod stayed with Lopez this long. I thought the, OMG I’m dating my childhood celebrity crush lasted this long.

Megan Fox looked amazing but has so much unnecessary surgery on her face she looks weird. She’s desperate for attention at this point and it’s sad.