
This is kind of shocking coming from the AP.  They’re supposed to be as objective as possible. 


The photo is photoshopped to hell, if you see candid photos of her she looks nothing like this. 

Being racist sexist pig is what got Trump elected. 

They murdered him, plain and simple.  Then of course they lied about it.

And? So what? People are allowed to get angry sometimes.

When you don’t have much to complain about you complain about sauce. You’ve heard this before, tan suits, dijon mustard.. all nonsense.

The thing is, Cruz and conservatives all know this is dumb nonsense. But they also know how stupid working class republicans are they know this is something they can relate with and will actually get very angry about it.

They’re born into little boot straps that they need to pull up on their own.

State sponsored terrorism. One step closer to the conservative dream of the fourth Reich.

Just spin off a twatch site. Charge a fee to join and all the losers will move over there. 

Corporations have souls?

It’s weird how they always show something patriotic like George Washington. Then when they drop the veil they show their true colors.

I don’t qualify for a stimulus check but I’m glad people are getting theirs. It should have been an ongoing thing but no one gave a shit about the average American the last 4 years.

What are they going to do when their mistresses get pregnant? or their teenage daughters?

You underestimate the stupidity of conservative women. Here’s one talking about revoking her own right to vote

She lied in her applications, her confrimation was rushed through. They should move to revoke her confirmation.

Why? You’re going to be there, what does it matter what kind of work you’re doing?

I work in IT and someone in our company got hit with something similar. And no we didn’t have to shut down everything to contain it. That’s a flat out lie you have to shut it all down.