Sometimes shit can do good things, like fertilizer. Or in this case behave like you always do but against someone everyone hates.
Sometimes shit can do good things, like fertilizer. Or in this case behave like you always do but against someone everyone hates.
Any time a well made, well priced car becomes popular they start loading it up and it’s no longer affordable.
Are you serious?? I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic but I’ve never heard of such a thing. Kind of shocking.
Depends, how much have you donated to the local politician? If you say zero, then you get zero.
So the working class will have zero representation.
You know what the craziest part is, I guarantee she thinks she looks hot.
I love it when conservatives start fights, then cries about how they’re being persecuted.
Yea you’re right.. I was trying to be Democratic about it.
I will trade places with any wealthy white Christian male, then they can call me a chink all day long. Hell.. say chink to any chink you want.
$91.89 expert installation. I wonder if anyone actually paid for a video card expert installation.
$91.89 expert installation. I wonder if anyone actually paid for a video card expert installation.
This is the one thing both sides actually do have in common. Sexual predators know no party lines. How each party handles it is strikingly different however.
He can say and do anything, try to appease people who criticize the church. But until he stands up and does something about the rampant child raping priests, it’s all BULLSHIT. Turn in every priest who’s ever raped a child. Turn over the records they have of all the child rapists in their organization. And put in…
He didn’t pay the pool or gardening service because those are probably small businesses and rich people don’t give a fuck about them. Always fuck over the little guys. the bill is probably less than a night out at dinner for him.
Why does the Tesla do half the stuff it does? To amuse the owners. Tesla is a great car but has lot’s of silly nonsense on it.
It’s funny when they try to play if off they meant something else.
For rich white guys yes.
Not for nothing, but pedophiles truly deserve to die. They cannot function in a normal society and are a constant danger to our children.
How do you explain to an uneducated moron who became famous for doing porn, that women have more than their bodies?
The most shocking revealed is Fox has an Human Resources department.
And after you add all those options, you no longer have an entry level car but a very expensive Mercedes with lower quality fixtures. So why would you buy this car if you end up paying say the same price as a higher level Mercedes? They’re making a big deal out of the Siri/google/Alex clone.