
So I was ass backwards.. lol. I have to wonder.. is Guiliani purposely trying to sabotage Trump? He must be angry about being kicked to the curb after Trump won the election.

Cohen could easily use attorney/client privilege if they were trying to force him to talk. But it looks like he wants to put the tapes out, so this is his choice because he is the attorney in question. 

Nothing riles up Trump and his supporters like truth and reality.

Sounds like another Devel car company.

Entry level Mercedes are actually pretty cheaply made.  You can get much more for your money with say an Acura.  It’s when you go way up.. that’s when the Mercedes is worth owning.  Otherwise, it’s like making believe.  You’re not fooling anyone in your CLA.

Don’t forget this is what god wanted. 

NYC born and raised, and it’s pretty silly whoever is getting riled up about this.  CBGB’s started like everything else, a for profit business.  Towards the end it was just rich kids playing dress up anyway. 

And it’s not enough, they want to make sure the “lower class” stay there.  Destroy public education and any social programs that may help people get ahead in life.

When Obama was elected President, so much hope for the future was in the air.  America is moving forward and fast.  8 years later the real America took it all back and going backwards as fast as they can towards Jim Crow. 

Yea but anyone who could afford a Porsche wouldn’t even consider a Hyundai.  Except in Korea.

I remember Chrysler bought Lamborghini in the late 80's. Fiat bought Ferrari in the late 60's.

Chris Rock said it best, black people have to soar, where white people can walk to. He talked about his expensive neighborhood where his neighbors are black neighbors are giants like Jay-Z and Mary J. Blige but his white neighbor is a dentist.

Maybe he didn’t feel like being thrown to the ground and cuffed while they ask the white guy what happened.

Maybe he has a black acquaintance that felt sorry for him?

Meanwhile Trump supporters are still pushing the lie that Hillary sold uranium to Russia.

If that were the case 1000's of cases would be resentencing. Just google Judge harsh words, or something similar. It seems like every judge injects his/her opinion during sentencing.

Because this is the new greater America.  He just might get shipped to Siberia.

We never get that far, they keep saying Obama and Hillary over and over again.  It’s like talking to someone online who refuses to answer such a question but in real life.  Only once did I get this guy to answer a Trump question, only after asking nonstop if he thought there were any Russian ties to Trump, he finally

I just spoke to a co-worker who was ranting about uranium. I cannot wait for Trump to get indicted, convicted, impeached and imprisoned. It’s shocking the kind of people who work and behave like normal human beings but live in an actual delusion. I have another coworker who frequents infowars, said the lights turning

I had to read your comment a few times. Sarcasm, no matter how ridiculous can’t be taken as a given anymore. People have literally lost their minds. But yes, you are correct, I did mean to respond to Captain Midnight. OR!! maybe I did mean to respond to you because I didn’t realize you were being sarcastic, I honestly