You think Republicans have any souls, empathy, compassion, love, decency... or any trait that makes us decent human beings?
You think Republicans have any souls, empathy, compassion, love, decency... or any trait that makes us decent human beings?
Jeez, this administration is so easily bought even N. Korea was able to get their plant as a nominee.
Why? I think Democratic voters are sick and tired of being bipartisan and taken for suckers. No more playing nice with these scumbag Republicans.
Why hasn’t anyone hired her as an actual model?
People need to remember a large portion of the midwest and south are white people on public assistance and huge Trump supporters. This should be interesting to watch.
I’m ok with devs seeing my library. This is in no way shape or form even remotely similar to what Facebook does. But why leave take chances. I’ll opt back in, same way I allow steam to see my hardware config.
She’s young, there’s still many complications that can arise from injecting strange substances into your body.
People who are attracted to dumb ho’s, will always want more ho’s.
Guy who hooked up with uneducated dumb ho cheated with another ho? Is this news?
That list is so moist. I’m not black or white. So it’s aight!
Yep. She saw an opportunity to marry a rich scumbag and took it. Now she sees an opportunity to maximize her settlement in a divorce and took it.
Remember these are the same people who cry free speech when people are pissed about their hate speech
They rapist should have to forfeit a large portion of their assets to their victims. That should go for all crimes in fact. Hurt the criminal and keep hurting them.
She wanted it, she’s lying, she’s a gold digger, she’s a slut.. the usual rapist excuses.
The Far Left is driven by anger & hatred — we must counter it with optimism & organization
Demons don’t understand human humor.
No but he and his daughter deserve to eat shit for everything else they do.
I don’t want Billionaires to save us, I want them to stop trying to fuck our lives up. Big difference.
Can we stop using terms like White Nationalist, or Alt-Right. Let’s call it what it is, White Supremacists.
So all she said was I support Donald Trump? I’m sure she said a lot more than that.