
It’s funny when conservatives suddenly care about poor people. It’s like conservatives saying wind farms are bad because they kill birds.

Absolutely agree, it’s not punishment enough. Because it could have been a neighbors child, and often it is. Negligent storage and handling of weapons need to be punishable by law.

It’s all nonsense. New book, old book.

Actually, that is nice christian values.. no /s.

They should cut ties with Fox period.

We need to regulate who can call themselves reporters and news stations or news papers.

You can’t make it illegal to say because of the 1st amendment. That’s what freedom of speech actually means, protection against repercussions from the government for your speech. So your sarcasm is idiotic.

wooo... That’s a deal. I remember years ago they all were giving out 0% loans.

Children are the future.

It makes people feel smart when they can point a finger and say, “I wouldn’t fall for that!”

I got 2.2% interest rate from the Acura dealer. It’s tough to beat.

Did the NA one have takata airbags that explode and burn or kill you?

This is why I love hate Amazon. I think they’re getting so big that small companies have no chance and they’re reaching into too many different markets killing competition. But their customer service is so damn good!! I’ve tried to use other companies and if I ever have an issue they always let me down and i just

I used to have so many problems with USPS where I know for a fact they walk up to an apt. building and just put stickers up saying they tried to deliver when they did not. Lazy fucks, I can’t stand the post office.

Yes, free speech and don’t touch my guns.

He absolutely had the right to say whatever he wanted. But free speech doesn’t prevent you from suffering consequences from private entities and private citizens. maybe if you actually understood what Free speech actually means you wouldn’t have posting this utterly moronic comment.

Maybe if people stopped being allowed to say the word, people won’t be so comfortable saying it. The guy knew the rules, he makes a living playing video games and he couldn’t follow that one simple rule. he deserves to be out, it’s not that difficult to not use racist words.

There are rules if people want to make money by playing games or streaming themselves doing stupid shit. Drop the N word and you’re out. There’s lot’s of people who are willing to and can simple not say the fucking word. Just because you like the word doesn’t change the fact, you can’t say it and keep making a living

It’s a simple question. Should violent mentally ill people own weapons. You said no, then contradict yourself.

So violent mentally ill people should own guns?