
Anyone shocked? In Trump’s insane world this guy is more qualified for this position than his picks to head other depts. Like the party planner who runs HUD, judges who never set foot in court professionally, Dancing with the stars contestant to head dept of energy, oil man to head EPA.. the list goes on.

WOW, the meth and cheeseburgers really fucked him up. He looked human back then.

And carbon is food for trees.

So she’s doing a great job conveying the sentiment of this administration.

A press secretary’s job used to be a prestigious one where they spoke for the President. In Trump brave new world the Press secretary is there to lie and give meaningless answers.

Boy you sure showed me, your intelligent refute has shown me the way. Now go back to rubbing cow balls MrTexas.

Yes China isn’t capitalist, that’s why they have so many millionaires, billionaires and corporations.

The internet became what it is today though capitalism. China is a dictatorship, even they realize socialism has it’s limits. China is very capitalist, for you to think they are shows how ignorant you are. Being liberal is great, I’m liberal, being a fringe leftist doesn’t help anyone.

Key word ideally. But in REALITY, a civilization will hit a wall working for themselves. Ideology is great, but reality is a real bitch.

Uh, no, without workers we wouldn’t have those things

You are not left, any moron who thinks Glass Stegall, and not any of the massive deregulations that Bush passed or his trickle down econoimcs, is to blame is just too stupid to speak to. To blame a President TWO terms after he’s been out of office is just pathetic. You’re not left, you’re a faker who says that in

Reagan Democrats? Is that like the conservative nuts that said Kennedy was a conservative? It’s gotten to the point it’s impossible to speak to a conservative about any subject because it’s so bizarre, the alternative universe and alternative facts you guys operate on is too far gone.

Actually those 8 years was the few times there was actual real growth.

So how do you create a civilization without capitalism? Communism?

Without capitalism you wouldn’t have a computer to type on or this website to post your opinions on.

That balance gave us the most prosperous 8 years in American history for the middle class under Clinton. Obama had the uphill battle to repair the decimated economy left behind by a Republican trickle down economics. Maybe a third economic crash caused by the exact same trickle down Republican policies will wake you

Today’s Democrats are realists. You can’t enjoy this life without corporations and capitalism. So we try to create a balance. And we want equal rights for all.

Equal rights.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Trump blew up their spot when he openly announced he loves the poorly educated but that didn’t even faze them, why? Because they’re stupid.

So what he actually meant was to contradict himself? Because joining organizations to stop gun violence is exactly what they’re doing. What can one expect from a religious nutjob. Lies and bullshit.