I have noticed that people who was a kid when the Clone wars came out, didn’t like TFA or this movie. People who were kids and saw the original star wars enjoyed the new movies and hated episode 1-3.
I have noticed that people who was a kid when the Clone wars came out, didn’t like TFA or this movie. People who were kids and saw the original star wars enjoyed the new movies and hated episode 1-3.
I thought the mother had to be Jewish in order for the kids to be.
Drop what angle? That Bill Clinton was dragged in a deposition about a consensual affair with an adult but nothing is ever done when the accused is a Republican? We’ll drop it when the right stop being hypocrites.
They only care when Democrat is involved. Republicans can rape womene and children, rob and steal, work with foreign governments and they don’t bat an eye. Not a single congressional hearing. Internet rumors about Democrat.. multiple congressional hearings.
The parallel to Hitler is astounding. I watched an entire documentary on Hitlers physician. Hitler also sought out a Dr that would tell him what he wanted to hear. Trump is probably as drugged up as Hitler as well.
He doesn’t like to work but he likes being seen as the boss. He watches TV all day and his handlers run things. Probably Pence has a huge say behind the scenes as well.
Long story when the answer is, get rid of your iPhone. A real story is how to ditch Google completely. You can’t, they track you all over the web. I had a Facebook account for a few weeks and closed it yet they’re still tracking me as well. I see how many instances of FB and Google I block on my disconnect addon.
People who sunbathe close their eyes and don’t wear sun glasses. They don’t want sun glasses tan face. I don’t think anyone puts sun screen on their eye lids. I for one had no idea.
Crazy day. only 45 min late to work, this city is accustomed to chaos.
Post office is the absolute worse. When I lived in an apartment building with no doorman theyd just come in an put “sorry we missed you” stickers for all their packages. They don’t even try to deliver them. The post office is shit because no one ever gets fired or punished. that’s why they’re so rude. USPS is shit.
Uh, no it’s not. In case you’ve been under a rock two of Trumps staff already plead guilty and are cooperating with the investigation. This isn’t moronic birther or pizzagate.
Like most organizations they chose money and image over the children.
A bill to do just that failed to pass many years ago. Too many pedos in congress.
They tried to pass a law to allow the death penalty for pedophiles but it didn’t pass. Too many pedophiles in congress.
Pure stupidity vs pedophile. I still choose anything but a pedophile.
Cars don’t get distracted by fruit and plants
If you cant beat em, beat their customers.
Are you from England? The only people who toss the tea bag right away is from England.
Its difficult to keep track of all the constant lies that spews from his pie hole