
You’re a gun nut because I can smell you guys a mile away. I like guns, I got to shooting ranges whenever I’m outside the city or on vacations. I just think we can’t be a free for all like we are now. Only a gun nut could defend present gun laws

I’m not going to argue with a gun nut. My opinion on gun death is based on facts, and you have your opinion and nothing I can say will change your mind.

Currency is backed by a nation/government. bitcoin has value but it is not currency.

The Yen is backed by the Japanese government. I can exchange my shoes for money, is my shoes currency?

Stored correctly is the key word. Store it incorrectly and lose it all like this guy. Tossed his hard drive and lost 9 million

When someone pays $10,000 for an iPhone on ebay, is that phone worth 10k? Or is it worth whatever someones willing to pay? Bitcoin is real, it has value because people give it value. But any comparison to the actual currency is idiotic. the US dollar has value because it is backed by the US government.

The paper money the GOVERNMENT prints out is real because it’s backed by the US government. bitcoins has value because people are investing in it. It shot up to 10k because hedge fun managers are looking for cash in on the speculation. And when they pull out the price will plunge.

Sounds like they’ve been itching for a reason to boot him. He already has a bad reputation.

I don’t think the complaint came in and they fired him the same day. A detailed complaint was probably filed some time ago.

Some of us interrupters, though, are aware of our problem

I hope the article didn’t piss off any Trump supporters lol

It’s glaringly apparent that Trump administration and his picks don’t give a flying fuck what the American people want. He’s gutting every agency, overturning every protection for the consumer. Does anyone think Pai doesn’t know everyone is against revoking NN protection? Does anything think Pai gives a shit what the

Could you make the article more vague? Lot’s of allegedly, possibly, maybe..

I think kickstarter needs to start being held accountable and start going after campaigns that rip off backers. They’re making a shit load of money and take no responsibility

I don’t get your reply.

I always thought France, and most of the EU was pretty open about sex and sexuality. Also French men are among the biggest wussies in the world.

Nazis were treated worse by the Allies than the Nazis treated the jews.

I’ve only visited San Fran, but NYC is super safe in many areas, but much of the crime happens in certain pockets of the city. And A LOT of crime isn’t reported.

Funny how Dallas is less safe than Chicago yet conservatives keep pointing to Chicago about how gun regulations don’t work.