
This is silly... are we going to start putting characters in virtual prisons for murder too? X /bites Z. You’re not actually getting bit, and if you feel violated you are spending waaaaay too much time online.

I believe they will release HL3 as a VR game. Valve has invested a lot of time and energy into VR, they announced they are working on 3.. yes THREE full VR games. I have to believe one of them will be HL....

Well, I’ll have to pick up the anime series again to see what that’s all about. But a movie made out of an entire tv series will always be less satisfying.

Yes I’m born and raised in NYC. And like most New Yorkers we hate Donald Trump. Why do you like him so much? Trump is garbage.

Well.. that’s why it’s early access. Who’s why some people get great performance and others sketchy performance. But you should definitely inform the devs.

The whole point of all of this is I don’t think you’re Russian. Our President is licking the boots of your President. Why does this upset you? If you were really Russian, you’d be pretty proud and laughing about it.

I enjoyed the movie. I’ve watched several episodes of Death Note but never finished a whole season. So I know of the anime and I’m not a huge fan of the anime so I was able to enjoy the movie for what it was. A cool concept and interesting film. The anime fans seem pretty angry about the movie but whatcha gonna do.

People are still yelling at me for misunderstand what you wrote. LOL

He probably had a bunch of people put in bets for him. But he was guaranteed 100 million for this fight.. this is just pure greed to make bets on yourself.

Of course it makes sense, invade a country. Hold a referendum and have people come out to vote in the presence of the Russian military, I’m sure the vote was very fair. With Russian flags flying, tanks and soldiers everywhere. who wouldn’t vote for YES.

The ones that hate regular cars like the RDX or Continental are funny.

Daaaamn!!! Low blow.

Every athlete dopes, some are better than others at keeping it quiet. And why wouldn’t they? The worst thing that happens is they get caught after they’ve already made their millions. We reward cheaters, no way around it.

Of course not. Just like CS doesn’t only have one map. I’m saying after it’s full release there will be a couple of maps that will be most popular and played over and over again.Yes they need to add more content, but lets not forget this is an early access game. 

OF course!!! It makes so much sense, who wouldn’t want to side with the nation that invaded them??? I believe you comrade. I also believe it when you say Putin doesn’t have anything on Trump. The President of the United States kisses your Leaders ass because .. why not.

Yea, after I read it again, I got it.

And pray do tell me, what are your thoughts on the situation in Crimea? Where the majority of people want to join Russia?

An insult to Jackie Kennedy. But it makes sense to declare her the new first lady considering Trump literally acts like he’s on a reality show.

Antifa are anarchists plain and simple. They do not share the same beliefs liberal do. Their objective is to cause riots.

Antifa is definitely a far left organization. They actually don’t care about the left, they just want anarchy. Like you said they’re anarchists.