
Why’d Trump lie and say he has never had anything to do with Russia before? Meanwhile he was trying to do business with Russia when he said it?

The Senate finally was able to impose sanctions that Trump fought this whole time. Trump buckled under the pressure to finally sign. The sanctions passed with Trump kicking and screaming. He fought it the entire way. Open a newspaper and stop getting your news from Facebook and Breitbart.

AHHH!!! OK, that makes much more sense. Then I take it all back. Actually reading it again, the way you wrote it makes sense, I was the one who read it wrong. Apologies.

The most popular Counter Strike servers are ones that play one map over and over again.

You mean like Mass Effect, Batman, FF 15 and many many other AAA games that were sold as a finished product but was actually shit that needed extensive patching?

I appreciate your opinion but don’t share it.

Not true runs fine on most people’s computers, you must have a shit computer or some malware bogging you down. Plus it’s still officially early access, so yea, it still needs work.

Trendy never applies to games. Buying something and wearing it, is not the same as sitting at you computer for hours because it’s “trendy” People like this game for the same reason people like CS. Easy to play, difficult to master.

Trump lied about it. Why did he do that is he thought it was ok? Your country is run by a ruthless dictator. He also owns our President so yea we have a problem with government officials doing business with your country.

The rules don’t apply to Repbublicans. Just like when it came out Ted Cruz was not born in the US, they made it clear it’s ok because his mother was American. Of course they did not see the hypocrisy trying to accuse Obama of not being born in America.

Someone posted this before and I saved it because... it’s so true.

More deflection from your nazi support

Ok you don’t support trump. Just nazis.

Pardons a proud bigot and demands papers for people trying to evacuate the hurricane. Every day he does something more disgusting than the last.

First time I went to Hong Kong I was walking across a bridge that had Swastikas all along the rails. It freaked me out until I found out it’s an ancient Buddhist symbol. Actually many cultures outside of Buddhism used the symbol as well. The nazis just ruins everything.

He subpoenaes are starting to be handed out. The guilty are abandoning ship like the rats they are.

I’m not surprised someone as stupid as you would misconstrue my post. It’s obvious the nazis travelled to charlotte for a klan rally. Where did I say the actual locals were nazis. But good deflection. Trump supporters are pros at deflecting.

Lol. There was nazis on one side and people who protests against them on the other. Tap dance all you want around your racism, everyone sees you for what you are.

Just another example of institutional racism. That’s why when black people say racist things about white people, it’s doesn’t fucking matter when the government and law enforcement are white supremacists!!

When people are doing Nazi salutes and scream Hail Victory they are literally emulating Nazis. If you stand next to these people cheering.. you are de facto a Nazi supporter. These people are the core supporters of Trump.