
If you ended up throwing your hands in the air and walking away, I totally understand where you’re coming from. It’s the same thing that happened with trying to explain “Swine Flu” a few years ago.

Meh not exactly the same. We do this dance every year with the flu so it doesn’t seem as out of the ordinary.. but the flu is some serious shit. Every year we get inundated with reminders to get our flu shots, pharmacies giving out free shots; all in the name of mitigating it, and if we get it wrong way more people

Luckily the GOP raised my taxes so I don’t need to worry about a refund.

I assume you mean the original Warcraft - not the original Warcraft III...because that would have been a ludicrous pile of floppies! :)

Have you tried Grainger?

What people are buying is not what Harley-Davidson is selling.

It’s a remaster; I expected at most a graphical update. Personally, I would rather they focus their resources on new projects rather than remastering older games. But that’s just my opinion.

Im just so tired of gamer outrage, that i just dont care anymore. Even though i wanted this, and now dont. Game companys gonna screw people over. Either buy in and risk it, or dont. 

Hold on, I can eat previously frozen seafood... AND watch a mentally challenged person get aids? Hello new first date spot

I know many of you may disagree however make me CEO of Harley Davidson and I will make these and other variants to target my generation of what motorcycles are and should be!

Is the the market for motorcycles in the US dying or is just those buying HD that are dying (of old age)?

It really isn’t. Especially if your PC isn’t in a climate controlled room. It’s also a nice trade off in performance vs. air noise. It is also almost absolutely necessary in SFF builds which are gaining popularity lately.

“Hey, NZXT, can you do something about CAM’s excessive RAM usage?”

And here I am, hitting “add to cart” furiously. 

Seems risky. Low quality diapers can be more leaky.

My mom says she did that to me. I was late learning to use the potty, so she left me in soiled diapers ever longer. Not being neglectful, but on purpose. I got clean quick after that, she says ^^

This. Let’s not forget when Organic Valley sent shockwaves up Wal-Mart’s management chain when “they” not Wal-Mart told them to fuck-off.

A previously healthy 34 year old just died in Dallas from the flu. Get your flu shot. Hell, go to Target and get a $5 gift card for getting your flu shot. You get paid to lower the risk of you getting at best a pretty awful virus and at its worst you can die.