Check his overseas accounts.
Check his overseas accounts.
Didn’t Musk admit he only started the loop to stop California from building a high speed rail system?
Confederates fought against America and lost. So proclaiming your allegiance to the confederacy is just proclaiming you are a traitor and a loser.
I didn’t not even know donating plasma was a thing. I had to look it up, thanks!
Why do people hate her? They should hate the pathetic losers paying for her for these disgusting things.
I mean, it’s weird but blood drives are good things. Donating blood is also actually good for you. The bad part is you donate your blood but they turn around and sell it for $100's of dollars and the hospital sells it to patients for $1000's.
Get insurance, always.
This is actual censorship, being banned from social media because you made racist remarks is not.
This guy has multiple sex crimes including one involving a 16 year old. Why isn’t he in prison already? He’s a bonafide menace to society who’s going to end up killing someone.
This one time he can actually blame liberals or “woke” people because they were the ones that were buying most of the Teslas. You won’t find many conservatives looking for EV’s. Maybe it was a bad idea alienating his biggest customer base.
Make stock buybacks illegal again and they’ll have billions to give to workers.
If she just liked the colors why’d she put the police logos and State Trooper on it?
I can’t tell if this is a joke or not.
Even if they were close to producing a viable vehicle Musk would get on X/Twitter and announce some other dumb feature that popped into his head.
That’s too bad they deserve each other.
The only thing still holding back a lot of people from buying EV’s is infrastructure. Until charging stations are as ubiquitous as gas stations there will always be some hesitancy whether real or imagined.
Republicans are vile heartless hypocrites.
The guy is a complete idiot, he cut the car off then brakes hard. Then he’s weaving all over the road and doesn’t slow down. He might have lost control with all regular tires.
Soon Republicans will ban women from drinking alcohol if they’re “child bearing age”
In NYC we call people like her bridge and tunnel. She’s a tourist in NYC, yelling at other tourists.