
Good think mandatory water breaks are banned in Texas now or else these lazy workers will keep stopping to drink water trying not to die.

Conservatives are always reporting people as inciting violence or suicidal. I think anyone who isn’t a piece of crap has been banned from r/conservative

I’m still angry about Almost Human cancelling before we found out what was behind that wall. 

DeSantis like the rest of the GOP have nothing but political stunts, starting culture wars to cover up their horrible working class destroying policies.

I have an Nvidia RTX card and yea, I don’t care. I rarely if ever use DLSS or even RTX for that matter.

You can only store so much stuff, there’s only 4 tabs in your chest.  So choose carefully what you want to save.  I wonder what they’re going to do about the chest space issue.

 How many times has this show been revived?

And will this also open up Windows as a monthly paid service now?

Where’d Cruz fly off to this time?

It’s a very competitive field

Good thing Texas got rid of water breaks or these lazy workers will keep trying to drink water while working.

The people who fund and work at these deceptive evil centers need to be put in prison. 

It does help, thanks so much for the info.

Is it waterproof? I’m so done with GoPro, the latest one I bought works amazing if you’re in bright lights but is crap indoors.  You have to change settings when it’s not very bright.

Colonoscopies are so expensive.

She’ll be on Turning Point hailed as a hero.  This is what the GOP want, instill fear and violence into their followers so they’ll commit violence. Christian Taliban indoctrination is working.

Just stop coal mining, it’s no longer a viable energy source in the US.  It’s too expensive, demand is down and it’s only running because of government subsidies.  Let it die.

I love how Trump and DeSantis think they can piss all over the constitution then yell immunity. They truly believe they are above the law because they’ve lived their entire lives as criminals and gotten away with it.

This is a body recovery mission at this point. 

I don’t get people who go to a concert just to try to assault the performer.  this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone throw things at singers.