
Debbie Lesko said she’d shoot her own grandchildren, during a debate about gun regulations. A few Republicans also said they’d kill or drown their kids if they were gay or trans. Pro-lifers are very particular about what life is worthy.

I wonder who’s going to dare attack Dolly Parton

What’s going on with her face? Way too much surgery.

It’s another money pit.  Gut it and be done with this Trump joke already.  Give the money to NASA who actually goes to space.

I feel like it’s fine, especially considering game prices always go down a few months after release.  If you think it’s too expensive then don’t buy it day one.  If you wait long enough these games go down to $10-20.

Karen is a behavior, it’s not specific to white women, it’s not even specific to women anymore.  Men get called Karen now too.

Texas and Florida moving ass backwards at a break neck pace. They’ll be on par with Mississippi soon.

What makes you think he’s one of the “blue lives matter” crowd??LOL JK

This is for die DIE hard star wars fans that dreams of living in the Star Wars universe. 

Tim Cook understood Musk is just like Trump, a fragile narcissistic man child that is easy to manipulate by stroking their ego.

Years ago many people actually believed he was a genius and a progressive. But today we learned it was all a carefully crafted phony persona by his PR group and handlers.

Chip and battery tech isn’t up to par with what people envision for a portable AR or VR device.

They want you to buy their Mayochup.

As stupid as I believe tik tok to be this is way overreaching by the government. 

Is it morally wrong to fire 1000's of people on a whim?

How long before he starts saying the bible wants people to be in the office.

I liked both Genisys and Dark Fate. 

It’s ridiculous how many H1Bs are employed at Financial and tech companies.  It’s starting to be a real security issue

New flash for right wing nuts, Liberals and leftists don’t care for Soros.  He’s destroyed nations with his shorting.  Trying to portray him as some leftist hero is such BS, they just use it as a veiled attack on Jewish people.

The GOP have nothing but racist political stunts