
That’s ghoulish thinking we have to traumatize everybody. People are not that far removed that we have to act like we all live in a war zone.

She’s basically saying F your kids.

On this I think they should always post the raw images of a mass shooting, let people see the reality of it. If their face is still intact then blur out the faces. People are too far removed and don’t realize how much damage these weapons do to a human being. They watch youtube videos of a medical dummy getting shot

Made me think of the genius Sen. Ron Johnson who recently said climate change is beneficial because it will make Wisconsin warmer. It used to be funny how stupid these people are but it’s scary now.

These terrorists always back each other up.  Dead kids gets them off.

SHOCKING.. said no one.

Kinda cool to see a foreign movie up there. I often find Asian horror movies scarier than US ones.

Speaks volumes about Fox viewers.

He says and does disgusting hateful things everyday on his show. These are just a bit of behind the scenes showing he’s also disgusting and hateful in his everyday life.

I feel like this should be an episode of the Sopranos.

It seems like one of those laws that they expect to be pushed back when the date starts getting closer. 

I’m not tipping but when people do leave tips and Apple takes it for themselves is nothing short of theft.

How dare you accuse him of benfiting from blood diamonds! It’s blood emeralds that funded him.

given himself an atomic wedgie, and he thinks the waste band on his head is a gold crown

Have they fixed the PC edition yet? I’ve reading how terrible it runs even on the most powerful available GPU

Iron Man 3 was shit.

And the shit show continues, he’s too embarrassed to admit he can not run a company. So he keeps doubling down on his stupidity and making a fool of himself.

I will never surrender!!! Except to this guy.

What was debunked? Tesla settled. Settlement always include not admitting guilt but when Musk declared he would never surrender or settle, but he did. So that’s an pretty obvious admission of guilt.

I’d be ok with my remains being blown up in a rocket