
Indefinite growth isn’t possible, you can’t keep increasing profit margins and market share.  Sooner or later the world will be run by one mega corp.

I guess you forgot the Netflix “Sharing is caring” campaign.

I pay for 4 streams, one of my kids is in college.  They’re going to end up losing money because I’ll just downgrade my streams and many others will just cancel.  There’s nothing so great on Netflix that it’s a must have anymore.

Half the blue checkmarks are parody accounts

Republicans literally have nothing but bs investigations, lies and fear mongering. Every single policy they are pushing behind the scenes will destroy the working class.

Call them what they are, right wing domestic terrorists.

Imagine what they could do if they focused on real issues instead of made up ones.

I’m still enjoying the John Wick movies, I just hope they don’t keep trying to top itself and end up a caricature of itself like the Fast and Furious movies.

She has a lot of capes, she’s FLORIDA WOMAN!! Standing subservantly behind her man fighting women’s rights and common sense where ever she goes!!

Nick Cannon needs a vasectomy.

Normally I’d agree but she actually worked with, not sure if she still does, with Marc Jacobs. In the article is states she was the face of Marc Jacobs.

Ain’t no government gon tell me what I can and can’t do!!! Ban the ban on these eye drops!!!

So people go see meme’s presented on stage? Is everyone this desperate for entertainment?

They should stop focusing on imaginary things and stop making policy based on twitter posts. No one is trying to ban gas stoves.

Accident or not it should be brought down.  How the hell does a spy balloon accidentally go half way around the world?

I tried to watch this and... how the hell is this in any way related to Seinfeld? It’s just rambling nonsense.

Whoa, so doing nothing since the last disaster didn’t work??

These nuts are terrorists plain and simple.  People want to make fun of them but they’re deranged and dangerous.

If they will make money they’ll take a telegram.

Everything the GOP does is cruel and designed to control and hurt people