
You basically replied “I know you are but what am I” Very clever.

Incels love to use terms like woke.

WTF? Did he finish shooting Season 4 of Sex Education already?

Why isn’t this a crime? They exposed children to dangerous situations.  Companies that perpetrate crimes need to start sending executives to prison. 

Carmack only got involved with oculus is because he loves new tech. He was working on VR tech before oculus hit kickstarter. The only reason he worked for Facebook is because they bought oculus. He doesn’t need to put up with any of Zucks nonsense.  I’m shocked he stayed as long as he did.

I don’t want Musk to step down, he’s doing an amazing job of destroying his 44 billion dollar investment as well as hurting Tesla as a bonus.

Bannon has been involved in many scams before, he’s not embarrassed about how stupid Trumps new scam is. The only reason he can’t do it anymore is because he sees no self serving benefit to support Trump anymore.

What kind of Dr would tell you to wait another day when your hand swelled to double it’s size. And who the hell would take that advice??

He wants to get this guy murdered. He called his former exec Yoel Roth a pedophile after he fired him and now that guy had to leave his home and go into hiding because he received so many death threats.

How does tracking your private jet equate some nut following a car? Just more bullshit from Musk. Did he say anything about all the death threats to Yoel Roth, the former head of Twitter Trust and Safety who Musk fired then alluded that he was a pedophile? This poor guy is being attacked and fled his home. That’s real

No way! Musk is a thin skinned hypocrite??? There hasn’t been any indication of him being one before..

Yea but what else can they do to make it seem like they’re working? They can only do so much with Hunters laptop.

The guy lives in a bubble of delusions, and I guarantee he is surrounded by a paid group of ass kissers telling him how loved, charming and smart he is.

Someone tweeted this and their account got shut down.  Freespeech!!

You have been shadowbanned.

“The company reported a revenue of nearly $69.1 billion in the third quarter this year, up 6% from 2021. Its advertising revenue also grew by only 2.5% compared to last year’s growth of 41%”

This is how Republicans will use their majority of the House. They will tackle zero issues they were so concerned about a few months ago while they were vetoing any attempt to tackle gas prices, inflation, formula shortage, etc.

Man they really love their persecution fetish. 

Luckily he has never done anything good and probably never will so it’s a low effort boycott.

Can these losers ever take responsibility for anything?  Always trying to blame “woke” people for their failures is just pathetic.