
You think white collar work doesn’t need protecting?

Labor unions that have been around for decades are prone to abuse.  But unions are needed, we can see the ill affects of unions being crippled that last couple of decades.  Longer hours, less pay, less benefits, less protections. 

It’s crazy how people like him get away with stock manipulation. 

I’ve read about that, they process the coca leaves then supposedly sell the cocaine to laboratories. I’m sure none of it ever goes missing

The jobs report was good, gas prices going down, new bill to fight inflation passed, corporations have announced record profits quarter after quarter. Naturally they will start mass layoffs. Multiple companies have announced this including Tesla, FB and Google.

Every restaurant should ban “influencers” they’ve become a virus. 

I never knew that, i looked it up and Navy and Marines have a separate budget.  So it wouldn’t surprise me if this space force gets it’s own budget and it increases every single year until it’s in the billions as well.

Another military dept that will need more money and a bigger military budget to line the pockets of the military industrial complex. They should have dismantled the joke dept when that administration left office.

Why hasn’t anyone though to this before?? Paying a monthly subscription instead of buying a home.  Ground breaking stuff.

My son is Gen Z and he always has subtitles on. I asked about it and he said he just likes to have it on. I didn’t realize that was a thing among his age group.

If other game movies are an indication they’ll toss the story of the game and make a completely new one and ruin everything.

Is anyone actually surprised? Everyone has been saying these eradicated diseases will make a comeback because of the antivaxxers.

The more we learn about him the worse he gets.

Stealing nuclear documents? That’s ok!!! Conservatism is a mental illness.

The US response after Biden took office was great, anyone who wanted a vaccination got it. It can’t be helped so many idiots refuse to believe COVID is real.

So they’re designed to go in your ass?

It’s hilarious seeing the same people saying Obama and Biden need to be arrested are now saying going after a President is treason/evil. Even saw Candace Owens saying the left and right need to band together over this. Hypocrisy and privilege are the calling cards of Conservatives.

It’s not even about devices right now, I bought the Vive then I also bought the Index. But I don’t even use it anymore because there’s no content. After Alyx everything is mediocre.

I’ve been using a Brother laserjet without issue for years at home.

The guy literally confessed their illegal plans to overturn the election on national TV.  He’s never getting immunity.