
If there were an ISIS channel I’m sure they’d drop it too. 

Not a lot of love in that family, only pain and suffering. No wonder he’s coked up all the time

Oh man, this really made my day. I’m going to work this into a conversation somehow.

I just read an article where Melanie said she had no idea the capitol was under attack on Jan 6.

LOL, I can’t argue with that. 

Whatever the case I think a lot of people watched the new version and agreed it is much better. 

This article is actually depressing because new ass backward laws and wild ignorance has caused us to start sliding backwards on many of these things.

I guess he fucked around and found out.  I’m sure he thought it was all a big joke

Is this like republican congresswoman Debbie Lesko who said she loves her grandkids so much she will shoot them? 

It’s just like a cold.

These nuts are so delusional they think that JFK Jr would be one of them. 

“driving up prices for consumers and making the car-buying process longer and more difficult.”

The only real important news here is Jan was found and healthy.

If the next election cycle doesn’t boot the death cult of out office then this country is thoroughly fucked.  it only gets worse from here for everyone who isn’t a rich white christian male.

Imagine thinking being healthy can stop a virus.  Do you think that’s what stopped polio or the small pox?

Giants, ok.  Dragons, ok. Ice zombies, ok.  Black people.. HOLY SHIT!!! 

It’s pretty hilarious how angry people get over seeing actual people of color on tv and movies. Especially ones created in fictional realms with dragons, zombies and giants. Don’t watch it, it’s that easy, stay in the backwoods ignorant and sheltered and scared.

He’s a Republican with lot’s of Republican supporters. 

2 years later there are still people questioning the effectiveness of the vaccine, even people who had family members die from COVID. Even people who’s own children died from COVID.  But the death cult keeps doubling down on their stupidity.

The vast majority of people dying from COVID are unvaccinated.  And I’m ok with that.