
Whenever I hear an American doing an English accent it sounds like they’re making fun of English people.

You’re right but they should ban everyone who commits this type of behavior.

How is the NRA surviving without Russian money and it’s most adamant supporters leaving for even more radical gun organizations?

Yea, dropping these mask mandates is going to be a big mistake.  Mandate or not I ride the NYC subway, no way am I giving up my mask.  Even without COVID a mask is a good idea on the subway.

Everyone knows this, we just don’t want to die from COVID.

The worst part is he’ll get plenty of votes, maybe even win.

Now if they just banned people who actually abused their significant other it would great.

Lot’s of good can come from salary information, there’s a whole article up top that tells you what good comes from it. You should read it.

After the police got a hold of them yes.

There are no staffing shortages, only salary shortages.

when someone told me about this my first question was is it a Boeing.

NFTs are decentralized and unregulated, you can’t suddenly expect the government to step in to protect you from falling for the NFT bullshit.

This one knows too much

You can have all your accounts frozen right now.  And it happens all the time.

Now now he didn’t just take other people’s money, he had plenty of money from his daddies slave run emerald mines in South Africa.

If you are creating NFTs and selling them and making a ton of money good for you, more power to you. Otherwise NFTs are for clowns. Only a clown would think they bought something of value.

LOL.. you brought up spiderman.  But ok I can see you’re cornered. I’ll let you go now.  But try to remember what you learned here today.  

So let’s see how smart you are. Where exactly is this Spiderman film located?

LMAO, you think cutting and pasting something you googled makes you look like you know what you’re talking about? You have no idea what you’re talking about. You actually believe the Spiderman film resides on the blockchain? That shows how absolutely clueless you are.

Ok let me explain to you how NFTs actually work. Because you seem really angry and misinformed.