
Now do Gaetz.

Bottom line is this, the medical community is saying there’s no evidence that ivermectin does anything against COVID and you won’t get it at the hospital.  So if you want it, stay away from the hospitals and stay home and take it yourself. 

I guess they think a virus is a parasite or worm.

Believe what you want, just take the example of the cartoonist in this article and stay home and take worm pills  if you get COVID.

I wish more people were like him, if you get COVID and want to take Ivermectin stay away from the hospitals because they won’t give it to you. Lead by example, I like him.

Are we still doing the who’s on first thing?  No one cares anymore, at least I hope they don’t.  Fanboy shit is dead, buy whatever you like.

No matter how secure something is the easiest access point is the user.

The only time I heard doggy dog world was in the tv show Modern Family. I don’t think any one actually has said this.

Do they accept official apps that store your vaccine record? Or maybe a photo? Who walks around with their vax card?

It’s very weird, she made homophobic tweets but then it looks like she is gay herself.  It’s not unusual for people to attack gay people because they are having trouble dealing with their own sexuality.

Protest the rule don’t throw your chance at the Olympics away. That is just pure stupidity.

Toucan Sam!

I think some people buy it because it looks like a G-Wagon.

It’s just a public relations issue at this point. Plus it’s a lot of free advertisement for Corvette.

I remember for some years Apple invested a lot of money into product placement in movies. They always wanted the good guys to use Macbooks and the bad guys used windows laptops. It’s a well constructed public image.

Every time I see Alfred Molina I think of Richard Kind.  Not that that’s a bad thing.

“The Detroit Police Department says that on the day that Dome was hit it issued 15 citations by their house.”

They gave out 15 speeding tickets on that road that very day.  they want people to speed so they can profit from it. 

Or tell them to add a little clorox and shove a flashlight up their ass to get the light into their system.

They’ve lost control of the zombie hoard.