No One On Earth

I’m actually hoping that they use “Don’t Fear the Reaper” in this version, because King quoted the lyrics in the book. (IIRC, he also quoted “Jungleland” by Springsteen, which would also be great.) 

You can not top the opening of the original.

Loved the ‘94 series.

Greedo says that he can take him in dead and makes it clear that he’s about to shoot him to kill him, so Han shoots him first in self defense. This was very clear the first time I saw it and every time after- until the stupid special editions. I don’t understand the issue, it’s perfectly clear if you watch it and pay

Sony: Marvel’s weird cousin that their parents make them hang out with during family gatherings, and they’re kind of cool with it because they have an N64 that you can play with, but then you get there and the only game they have for it is Superman 64

After rewatching spider-Man 3, I actually enjoy it more than both amazing Spider-Man movies. While a lot of it is cheesy, I find the ending to be quite beautiful and w en emotional. Never got that from any Amazing Spider-Man movie

I don’t even think Jamie Foxx wants this to happen.

Wrong, ASM2 was way worse than Spiderman3, then again after watching BvS I watched a comic book hero movie marathon and gained a new appreciation for Spiderman3.

I don’t think anyone but Jamie Foxx wants this to happen.

her blood alcohol content the next day was shown to be quite high: .238"
“how...did she manage to fall over a four-foot railing to her death”

This is going to be hard to believe, but drunk people do stupid things. She stood on top of the porch railing for some weird reason and took a header, landed on her face and

I think she was just looking for a lot of good photo ops. I mean, thats the job of influencers... I think?

Someone else may have mentioned this, so I apologize if this is a double-post, but I just realized Boseman also passed on Jack Kirby's birthday, Kirby being the co-creator of Black Panther (among a great deal of other characters).

Nothing but unrelenting horror.

I gave up Nolan films after the one-two punch of mediocrity that was Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar. I can’t deal with the self-congratulating circlejerk of really serious movie from a director whose idea of “deep thinking” is on par with that kid who was always stoned in your freshman philosophy course.

10,000 dollars for a pillow.  What is this? GOOP? 

But you can watch all your old favorite ads on YouTube and the Hormel Pepperoni song got some play a couple years ago. If you’ve been to the Taco Bell Cantina in Las Vegas there’s a dance floor which should be in more of their locations (no burgers though). And instead of rat burgers we’ve cut out the middle animal

More than likely, she hasn’t seen the movie.

This movie is weird in only a way an early-to-mid-90s film can be. It promoted itself as this super hardcore star vs star action movie, and it turned out to be more of a goofy sci fi comedy with very little action until the climax.

Opening large, single-room group spaces like movie theaters isn’t likely to be safe until next year some time.  

Watch Batman, then Dick Tracy, then the pilot episode of 1990's The Flash. And then see if you can pick out the correct score from the other.