
It’s not nonsense - but it’s not true, either. Racism is distinguishable, whether it is the “default” for white people or not. I get where Damon is coming from, but I don’t think this article is helpful or good, except in that it allows the author to vent some of his justifiable anger and frustration. 

Fun. Usually when a black person says something other black people don’t like, they get turned white - now you’ve taken it a step farther and taken away her gender.

Good article - a quick note, though. It’s “Eastpointe”, not East Point. Eastpointe actually used to be called “East Detroit” but the city renamed itself in 1992 because it wanted to distance itself from Detroit proper in people’s minds.

Your lack of empathy isn’t excused by the racism of that kid’s parents.

You’re disgusting for being suspicious of a child because his parents are assholes. You’re disgusting because you take it farther - generalizing all white children as being worthy of suspicion simply because they’re white. You’re disgusting because every fucking thing you say on here shows that you’re a sour, bitter

Wow. You really are a horrible fucking person.

I’ve read a ton of your articles, and I think this is the most honest thing you’ve ever written.

Propaganda For Dummies

Roy Moore is a fucking child molester. Do you really think you’re going to make him seem worse by pointing out that he’s also a fucking racist?

Bannon, Hannity and the Orange Asshat didn’t make these guys act like jackasses around women, and the Democrats are more than happy to throw these guys to the wolves no matter how flimsy the allegations.

Fred Hampton, what he stood for, what happened to him, and the aftermath of his killing deserves more depth than you’ve provided with this glorified blurb of an article.

Name a culture, a country, or a people that don’t have “problematic aspects” associated with them.

What we need to do is create a culture where sexual assault and harassment are taken seriously ALL THE TIME, where people who have been sexually assaulted or harassed feel empowered to do something about it when it happens - not 10, 20, 30, 40 years down the road. If someone broke into your house or robbed you on the

Pence is evil, no doubt - but Trump has to go.

I like this piece a lot - except for the part where women and people of color are absolved of homophobia, passing the blame onto straight white guys. Now sure, straight white guys are to blame for a lot of the shit in this world, but as a gay man, I will tell you that most of the homophobia I’ve experienced in my life

18-ish paragraphs to say what could have been said in a sentence.

It’s not so much that “Bill from Kansas” is going to necessarily have knowledge of Sub-Saharan African culture, but if “Bill” happens to be a PoC, he will have a more informed perspective about what content PoC may find offensive and help steer the project away from that.

Yeah, you’d think step 1 would be hire a PoC to work in that content. It’s like when a bunch of straight dudes say they’re going to include LGBT characters in fantasy and you get a short haired, tough lesbian rogue and a flamboyant male mage. Good try and thanks for the effort, but...yeah.

He probably said “urban” because he thought “street” sounded too racist.

Tweets #1-#4: Written by lawyer, tweet #5: written by Nelly.